Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Ziona Nahary

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
[email protected]
o: 212-381-2210

West Side / Broadway
1934 Broadway
New York, NY 10023

About Ziona

Languages Spoken:      HEBREW, ITALIAN, ENGLISH

Ziona finds great satisfaction in fulfilling the wants and needs of her clientele. Representing buyers and sellers alike, her keen listening skills ensure that she understands each customer and client's individual needs and desires. She serves all with the utmost attention, respect, and confidentiality.

Ziona’s experience in sales and rentals includes 25 years of selling townhouses, co-ops, and condos. Whether it is a studio apartment or luxury penthouse suite, she provides outstanding attention, fastidiousness, and quality service. When representing an exclusive property, she puts all of her efforts into obtaining the highest value for her clients.

“At the end of the...

Ziona finds great satisfaction in fulfilling the wants and needs of her clientele. Representing buyers and sellers alike, her keen listening skills ensure that she understands each customer and client's individual needs and desires. She serves all with the utmost attention, respect, and confidentiality.

Ziona’s experience in sales and rentals includes 25 years of selling townhouses, co-ops, and condos. Whether it is a studio apartment or luxury penthouse suite, she provides outstanding attention, fastidiousness, and quality service. When representing an exclusive property, she puts all of her efforts into obtaining the highest value for her clients.

“At the end of the day if I found the right home for my buyer or found the right buyer to buy my seller’s home, I am happy because I helped make them happy,” says Ziona.

After working as a flight attendant for Israeli Airlines EL - AL, she became involved in the real estate business in Israel and entered the New York real estate business in 1993. She joined Brown Harris Stevens in 1997 where she sells all over the New York metropolitan area.

A resident of the Upper West Side, Ziona is an avid ballroom dancer and restaurant connoisseur, and enjoys practicing yoga. She is also fluent in Hebrew and possesses a working knowledge of Italian.

ציונה נהרי

ציונה נהרי עוסקת בהשכרה ומכירה של נכסים למגורים מאז שנת 1985. לאחר שעבדה כדיילת בחברת אל-על, היא התערתה בעסקי הנדל"ן בישראל. לפני הצטרפותה לחברת Halstead Property Company בשנת 1997 עבדה ציונה במספר חברות תיווך גדולות לאחר שהחלה לעסוק בנדל"ן בניו יורק.

ציונה מוצאת סיפוק רב במילוי משאלותיהם וצורכיהם של לקוחותיה. אף כי היא מוכרת נכסים ברחבי ניו יורק רבתי, היא מתגוררת באזור האהוב עליה: האפר ווסט סייד. מלבד עסקי הנדל"ן, ציונה היא רקדנית נלהבת המתמחה בריקודי נשף ומבינה גדולה במסעדות – בקשו את המלצתה! היא דוברת עברית שוטפת ואיטלקית בסיסית.

Ziona Nahary

Ziona Nahary ha un’esperienza di locazione e vendita di proprietà residenziali dal 1985. Dopo aver lavorato come assistente di volo per la Israeli Airlines EL - AL, essa ha iniziato l’attività immobiliare in Israele. Prima di unirsi alla Halstead Property Company nel 1997, Ziona ha lavorato per numerose aziende di mediazione immobiliare a New York, a partire dal 1993.

Ziona prova una grande soddisfazione quando riesce a trasformare in realtà le volontà e le necessità dei suoi clienti. Sebbene essa venda proprietà in tutta l’area metropolitana di New York City , Ziona abita in un’area che ama particolarmente – l’Upper West Side. Collateralmente all’attività immobiliare, Ziona ama il ballo di società ed è una grande conoscitrice di ristoranti – chiedetele dove trovare un buon ristorante! Essa conosce perfettamente l’ebraico e abbastanza di italiano per poter lavorare in questa lingua.

Awards & Recognition

BHS NYC 25 Year Milestone

Current Listings

New Listing
457 West 57th Street 711, Midtown West, NYC - 1 Bathrooms  
2 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 8
457 West 57th Street, 711
$2,750 MO.
Midtown West
1 BA  |  2 RM
Ziona Nahary  (212) 381-2210

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:


Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

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