Cho Roache
Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Emily Cho Roache

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
[email protected]
o: 212-588-5620
m: 917-402-3939

West Side / Broadway
1934 Broadway
Manhattan, NY 10023

About Emily

Languages Spoken:      KOREAN, ENGLISH

Emily launched her career over 20 years ago as the Real Estate Board of New York’s “Rookie of the Year” and was subsequently recognized as a “Top Broker in New York” by The Real Deal Magazine. Emily works in collaboration with her husband Gregory Roache, a nationally recognized broker, where her efforts are focused on buyer representation and leads the development and implementation of creative marketing strategies to expand their pursuit.

Born in Korea, Emily came to New York City at nine years of age. She is an avid runner having run several NYC Marathons and lives with her family...

Emily launched her career over 20 years ago as the Real Estate Board of New York’s “Rookie of the Year” and was subsequently recognized as a “Top Broker in New York” by The Real Deal Magazine. Emily works in collaboration with her husband Gregory Roache, a nationally recognized broker, where her efforts are focused on buyer representation and leads the development and implementation of creative marketing strategies to expand their pursuit.

Born in Korea, Emily came to New York City at nine years of age. She is an avid runner having run several NYC Marathons and lives with her family on the West Side. She enjoys playing the oboe and piano.

Emily is a member of the Real Estate Board of New York and is fluent in Korean.

에밀리 로치(Emily Cho Roache) 뉴욕부동산위원회가수여하는 이해의우수 신인 브로커상 수상함으로서뉴욕 부동산서비스업계에서주목 받는 새로운 얼굴이 되어 있습니다.

에밀리는브로커등단이래아주 활발한 실적을 올리고 있으며 작년 한해만 보더라도 바이어와 셀러 양방을 대변하여 27건의 매매를 성사 시킨 있습니다.

혁신적인마케팅기술과신뢰감을바탕으로삼는 에밀리의 진가가 사람들 사이에 알려지기 시작하고 있으며 그녀의 특기는 바이어를 대변하는 브로커 역할입니다. 한편, 브라운 해리스회사에서같이 브로커로서일하는남편 그레그 로치는 웨스트사이드오피스를중심으로셀러 브로커로 활약하고 있습니다.  


뉴욕부동산위원회로부터브로커준회원자격증을소지하고있는 에밀리는 한국태생이나뉴욕에서자랐습니다.웨스트사이드에서거주하고있는 그녀의 가족관계는남편과 마리. 미아라고 부르는 퍼그종과 알레그로라고부르는티컵요키종이라고합니다.

Awards & Recognition

2023 BHS Companywide #35 Top Agent

Current Listings

Contract Signed
304 West 90th Street, Upper West Side, Upper West Side, NYC - 6 Bedrooms  
9.5 Bathrooms  
12 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 20
304 West 90th Street
Upper West Side
6 BR  |  9.5 BA  |  12 RM
Emily Cho Roache  (212) 588-5620
Gregory M. Roache  (212) 588-5662
Contract Signed
113 Greene Street 2ndflr, Soho, Downtown, NYC - 1 Bathrooms  
2 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 7
113 Greene Street 2ndflr
1 BA  |  2 RM
Emily Cho Roache  (212) 588-5620
Gregory M. Roache  (212) 588-5662
222 Central Park South 41/42, Midtown West, Midtown West, NYC - 2 Bedrooms  
3 Bathrooms  
6 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 13
222 Central Park South, 41/42
Midtown West
2 BR  |  3 BA  |  6 RM
Emily Cho Roache  (212) 588-5620
Gregory M. Roache  (212) 588-5662
Contract Signed
272 West 107th Street 12B, Upper West Side, Upper West Side, NYC - 2 Bedrooms  
2 Bathrooms  
4 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 15
272 West 107th Street, 12B
Upper West Side
2 BR  |  2 BA  |  4 RM
Emily Cho Roache  (212) 588-5620
Gregory M. Roache  (212) 588-5662
Contract Signed
11 East 29th Street 9C, Nomad, Downtown, NYC - 2 Bedrooms  
2 Bathrooms  
5 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 10
11 East 29th Street, 9C
2 BR  |  2 BA  |  5 RM
Emily Cho Roache  (212) 588-5620
Gregory M. Roache  (212) 588-5662
Contract Signed
263 West End Avenue 2A, Upper West Side, Upper West Side, NYC - 2 Bedrooms  
2 Bathrooms  
4.5 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 8
263 West End Avenue, 2A
Upper West Side
2 BR  |  2 BA  |  4.5 RM
Emily Cho Roache  (212) 588-5620
Gregory M. Roache  (212) 588-5662
Contract Signed
240 East 79th Street 4A, Upper East Side, Upper East Side, NYC - 2 Bedrooms  
2 Bathrooms  
5 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 10
240 East 79th Street, 4A
Upper East Side
2 BR  |  2 BA  |  5 RM
Emily Cho Roache  (212) 588-5620
Gregory M. Roache  (212) 588-5662
Contract Signed
605 West 111th Street 1, Upper West Side, Upper West Side, NYC - 2 Bedrooms  
2 Bathrooms  
4 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 9
605 West, 111th Street, 1
Upper West Side
2 BR  |  2 BA  |  4 RM
Emily Cho Roache  (212) 588-5620
Gregory M. Roache  (212) 588-5662
Contract Signed
239 East 79th Street 16F, Upper East Side, Upper East Side, NYC - 1 Bedrooms  
1 Bathrooms  
3.5 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 10
239 East 79th Street, 16F
Upper East Side
1 BR  |  1 BA  |  3.5 RM
Emily Cho Roache  (212) 588-5620
Gregory M. Roache  (212) 588-5662
Contract Signed
239 East 79th Street 7D, Upper East Side, Upper East Side, NYC - 1 Bathrooms  
2.5 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 7
239 East 79th Street, 7D
Upper East Side
1 BA  |  2.5 RM
Emily Cho Roache  (212) 588-5620
Gregory M. Roache  (212) 588-5662

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:

Cooperatives and Condominiums

Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

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