Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Dorothee Ancel

Licensed in Connecticut
[email protected]
o: 203-221-0666
m: 203-260-4281

56 Post Road East
Westport, CT 06880

About Dorothee

Languages Spoken:      FRENCH, SPANISH, ENGLISH

A French native, Dorothee Ancel started buying and managing real estate properties in France and Spain in 1994, before moving to the United States in 2008.

With over three decades of relocations under her belt, 12 moves for her family, as well as several missions of relocation for expats, Dorothee has perfected the art of finding the right home no matter the location or requirements. Efficient and knowledgeable, she understand that buying or selling can be deeply personal and complex. As a result, Dorothee's approach includes true listening, warmth, and bit of French flair. With her outgoing and energetic personality, she...

A French native, Dorothee Ancel started buying and managing real estate properties in France and Spain in 1994, before moving to the United States in 2008.

With over three decades of relocations under her belt, 12 moves for her family, as well as several missions of relocation for expats, Dorothee has perfected the art of finding the right home no matter the location or requirements. Efficient and knowledgeable, she understand that buying or selling can be deeply personal and complex. As a result, Dorothee's approach includes true listening, warmth, and bit of French flair. With her outgoing and energetic personality, she helps clients find their dream home and bond with their new community.

Whether it is helping clients find a new home, managing tenants who renew year after year, or sharing her real estate insights with individuals in need of guidance, Dorothee is there. What makes her stand out the most is her effective combination of unparalleled common sense and a commitment to reliability.

Originally from the Loire Valley, Dorothee lived in many countries before settling in Westport, Connecticut with her husband and three daughters. She has extensive knowledge of the school system both here and in France, having experienced them with her daughters who have successfully graduated from schools, colleges, and graduate schools in the U.S. and Europe.

Dorothee enjoys giving back to the community by teaching cultural and language programs to students in the local public schools in Spanish and French. In her free time, she enjoys playing golf with the Women's League in Fairfield, organizing wine tasting benefits for local charities, or volunteering at the Nourish Bridgeport ESL program. Need ideas on what to do in Connecticut? Dorothee is happy to share the best local spots that will help you feel right at home.

She holds a Master's Degree in International Purchasing and a Bachelor's Degree in International Business from ESSCA, a French Business School. She is a fluent speaker of French, Spanish, and English.


National Association of Realtors
Connecticut Association of Realtors
Mid-Fairfield County Association of Realtors

I had an exceptional experience working with Dorothee. She went above and beyond by not only helping to set up and decorate our house for listing but also personally hosting the open houses. Her dedication paid off as our home sold in less than a week. Additionally, her aggressive negotiation skills were invaluable in securing our new home. I highly recommend Dorothee for her professionalism, commitment, and outstanding results. - Nani & Nick

Dorothee is a dedicated, thorough, and compassionate real estate agent who helped us find the perfect rental property. She is very knowledgeable about her field and took the time to teach us what to look for in our first home. We would recommend her to anyone. Thank you, Dorothee! – Anna, Caitlin, Emily, & Melanie

I am so happy I worked with Dorothee, the best realtor I worked with! She found me great tenants and went above and beyond her duties in the process. She takes pride in her work and it shows! Hire her ASAP. – Valerie I.

As a first-time homebuyer in CT relocating from NYC, the search can be overwhelming. Dorothee’s in-depth knowledge of the local market opportunities and extensive experience of the investment property business was key to the success of this purchase. As my agent, Dorothee went above and beyond not only to meet and exceed my expectations with the property, but also ensure that every aspect of the sale went through smoothly. She spent time with me providing recommendations to make the offer compelling while ensuring all outstanding issues were taken care of. Extremely well-connected, she also shared her network of home improvement professionals which allowed me to get all renovations done by the time I moved in. Impeccable experience from touring homes to move-in—I definitely recommend Dorothee for anyone looking for a caring agent with experience and expertise! – Alice A.

Dorothee was extremely helpful, knowledgeable, and responsive as our listing agent. She has helped us throughout the whole process and was available every step of the way. She was an ABSOLUTE pleasure to work with and made the selling of our home seamless. She did an excellent job and I would recommend her to anyone without hesitation. – Isabelle and Rune J.

Thank you, Dorothee for everything—your guidance, support, negotiation, and for always being available to help! You are truly a wonderful agent! The best! - H. Rozenberg

Dorothee was my guardian angel throughout the home sale process. I cannot thank her enough for her kindness, wisdom, dedication and professionalism. I knew I was in good hands with Dorothee and trusted her judgement without question. She understands the intricacies of local real estate market so well and proved this to me time and time again. She is a skillful "tough when she needs to be" negotiator and a sweet person all at the same time. I highly recommend Dorothee to help you navigate your real estate journey. You won't be disappointed! - Elaine M

Dorothee Ancel, est née et a vécu en France où elle a acquis et géré des biens immobiliers ainsi qu’en Espagne depuis 1994. Depuis 2010, elle poursuit cette activité aux Etats Unis où elle s’est installée en 2008.

Elle est diplômée d’un Master en Achat international et d’un bachelor en business international qu’elle a acquis à L’ESSCA. Dorothee pratique au quotidien le Français, l’Espagnol et l’Anglais.

Elle est originaire de la vallée de la Loire et a vécu dans de nombreuses régions et pays avant de s’installer à Westport Connecticut, avec son mari et ses trois filles. Elle a une connaissance pratique des différents systèmes scolaires français et américains, ses filles ayant parcouru leur cursus du lycée aux diplômes de Masters en Amérique du Nord, France et Angleterre.

Avec trente ans d’expérience de relocation nationale ou internationale et plus de douze déménagements pour sa famille ainsi que des missions de relocation pour des expatriés, elle a perfectionné l’art de trouver la bonne maison dans n’importe quel nouvel environnement et prouvé son efficacité et sa capacité d’écoute. Acheter ou vendre un bien immobilier demande un niveau d’engagement important et Dorothee ne ménage pas ses efforts pour atteindre les objectifs de ses clients à travers une véritable écoute de leurs besoins, un grand respect de leurs attentes et un solide bon sens mis à leur service. Son objectif principal est que tous ses clients trouvent la maison qui leur convienne et qu’ils s’épanouissent dans leurs nouvelle communauté.

Que ce soit dans la recherche d’une nouvelle maison, la gestion de locataires qui renouvellent leur bail année après année ou partager un avis sur le marché immobilier en général quand on le lui demande, Dorothee est toujours présente. Citons parmi ses qualités une fiabilité irreprochable ainsi qu’un bon sens aiguisé par des années d’expérience.

Dorothee est très intégrée dans sa communauté, elle enseigne des programmes linguistiques et culturels en français et espagnol aux enfants depuis 2009. Elle fait partie d’une ligue féminine de golf à Fairfield, organise des dégustations de vin pour des opérations caritatives et fait du volontariat pour le programme « anglais en seconde langue » pour l’association Nourish Bridgeport. En panne d’idées de sorties dans la région ou à la recherche d’un endroit particulier, surtout n’hésitez pas, elle est à votre disposition.


NAR/CAR et Mid Fairfield County Association of Realtors.

Dorothee Ancel ha estado en el sector inmobiliario y ha administrado bienes inmuebles desde 1994. Continuó esta actividad en 2010 después de installarse en los Estados Unidos en 2008.

Tiene un Máster en compras internacionales y un Bachelor en negocio internacional de l ESSCA, escuela francesa de comercio. Habla francés, español y inglés.Dorothee nació y creció en Francia, en la region de la Vallée de la Loire. Ha vivido en diferentes regiones y países antes de instalarse en Westport con su marido y sus tres hijas. Tiene un gran conocimiento de los sistemas escolares americanos y franceses. Sus hijas han estudiado en varios países incluyendo, Francia, Estados Unidos, Canada y Inglaterra.Después de doce traslados en 30 años, de reubicación para su familia y de facilitar la reubicación de familias expatriadas, Dorothee puede decir que sabe adaptarse y encontrar la siguiente casa perfecta en nuevos entornos immobiliarios. Ha demostrado su eficiencia y capacidad de adaptación.

Su enfoque es realmente escuchar y usar el sentido común para ayudar a sus clientes. Con una personalidad extrovertida y enérgica, su objetivo es ayudar a sus clientes a encontrar la casa de sus sueños y vincularse en sus nuevas comunidades. Su confiabilidad es una de sus fortalezas: Ya sea para ayudar a clientes a encontrar un nuevo hogar o para administrar inquilinos que renuevan sus contratos de arrendamiento anualmente o para compartir su experiencia en bienes inmuebles con terceros, Dorothee siempre está disponible.

Dorothee está investida en su comunidad, enseñando programas culturales y de idiomas en escuelas para niños. Cuando no trabaja, juega al golf en una liga femenina en Fairfield, hace parte tambien de una organización de cata de vinos para organizaciónes benéficas locales y es voluntaria en Nourish Bridgeport como profesora de inglés como segundo idioma para refugiados.

Si necesita ideas de actividades en Connecticut para los recién llegados, no dude comunicarse con ella! Dorothee conoce los mejores lugares locales que le ayudarán a sentirse como en casa!

NAR/CAR y Mid Fairfield County Association of Realtors

Current Listings

New Listing
OPEN HOUSE:  Mar 29, 11:00 - 1:00
4 Hales Road, Westport, Connecticut - 5 Bedrooms  
4 Bathrooms  
10 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 37
4 Hales Road
5 BR  |  4 BA  |  10 RM
Dorothee Ancel  (203) 221-0666
Lease Signed
71 Wild Duck Road, Wilton, Connecticut - 4 Bedrooms  
5 Bathrooms  
9 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 30
71 Wild Duck Road
$7,500 MO.
4 BR  |  5 BA  |  9 RM
Dorothee Ancel  (203) 221-0666

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:


Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

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