Much as buying and selling real estate can be a family affair, so can the work we do at Brown Harris Stevens. We love when our agents impart their wisdom on their children and team up with them to broaden their success. With Father's Day just around the corner, we asked the father-child agent duos at our firm to provide insight on what it is like to work together, the power of family, and more.
Burt Savitsky and Jessica Savitsky
New York City

How does your father inspire you?
Jessica: My father's professionalism is unparalleled. Colleagues are always saying how lucky I am to have a father like him who I also get to work with. I'm extremely proud of his reputation in our industry!
What has your daughter taught you?
Burt: Jessica has taught me to remain positive at all times. She reminds me to slow down, prioritize the issues at hand, and handle them one at a time. She's become a true professional. I taught her well and now she's teaching me!
What is your favorite part about working together?
Both: The pleasure we get in the zest of the quest that comes with each deal!
How did your partnership begin?
Jessica: I started at BHS in the Assistant Training (Show-er) Program. During that time, my father had an assistant whose contract was ending. In April 2009, he asked me to come on board and we've been working together ever since. (We have even been mistaken for: brother and sister, cousins, and even husband and wife!)
Where do you go together to celebrate a closing?
Both: We have a glass Laurent Perrier champagne and go for the best pizza in NYC: Mama's TOO!
Norman Horowitz and Adam Horowitz
New York City (Harlem)

How does your father inspire you?
Adam: Ever since i was a little boy, he’s always had a great work ethic—something I’ve always admired.
What has your son/daughter taught you?
Norman: He has basically taught me the entire technology aspect of real estate. When I started, everything was pen and paper, pagers, and post-its. He’s really brought me into the new generation, I almost consider myself a “techie” now.
What is your favorite part about working together?
Both: The commute, as we both live on the Queens/ Nassau County border. We travel in together, so we get to chat for about a hour before we start the day. Our conversations can be about anything work or family related. The drive home is another story; we both think we know the fastest routes!
How did your partnership begin?
Norman: Adam was working as a union Millwright, 6-7 days a week with10-12 hour shifts. Needless to say, he was getting burnt out. At the time, I was heading up new developments in Harlem. We needed dedicated, hardworking sales agents to work onsite. What better fit for my son, who happened to already be licensed, to whet his appetite for the word of real estate?
Where do you go to celebrate a closing?
Both: We typically go out to dinner with the family—it’s nice to have four generations to converse with—or we go to Lido Harlem for a signature cocktail. For a real good deal, we might even take a short family vacation.
Michael Feuling and Colin Feuling

How does your father inspire you?
Colin: My father has taught me the cornerstones to success in real estate: accountability, honesty and product knowledge. If you don't have all three, you're not representing your clients properly.
What has your son/daughter taught you?
Michael: Family first! My son and grandson have shown me that family legacy is the most important thing in life.
What is your favorite part about working together?
Both: Spending time together. Life can pull you in many directions when you have your own families, so this is just added time we get to enjoy one another's company.
How did your partnership begin?
Michael: We both relocated from the NE after spending many years in South Florida, as my father always had a condo there. We knew that we could bring a NY/DC work ethic to the Florida market.
Where do you go together to celebrate a closing?
Prime 112 has always been a go-to, but with the expansion of Wynwood, Design District, and other areas, we are always on the lookout for a new, fun venue to celebrate.
Kenneth Mandelbaum and Jeffrey Mandelbaum