Find Your BHS Agent

Brown Harris Stevens' exceptional brokers dominate the market for cooperatives, condominiums, townhouses and houses with their rare blend of knowledge and experience with energy and commitment.

Emilia Sultan
Emilia Sultan
[email protected]
212-906-9204 | c: 917-535-9259
Ann Summers
Ann Summers
[email protected]
561-659-6400 | c: 561-358-0033
Suzanne Sunshine
Suzanne Sunshine
[email protected]
212-588-5629 | c: 917-414-7338
Edward "Ned" Swain
[email protected]
212-906-9374 | c: 646-369-7796
Kylee Sweeney
Kylee Sweeney
[email protected]
561-659-6400 | c: 781-635-8311
Mark Syben
Mark Syben
[email protected]
561-805-5050 | c: 561-644-9603
Holly Tabernilla
Holly Tabernilla
[email protected]
561-659-6400 | c: 561-358-8060
Xanthe Tabor
Xanthe Tabor
[email protected]
212-521-5701 | c: 917-941-1302
Raven Tait
Raven Tait
[email protected]
718-878-1752 | c: 862-235-4973
Celia Linda Taitelbaum
Celia Linda Taitelbaum
[email protected]
561-659-6400 | c: 917-912-8610
Matthew Tallett
Matthew Tallett
[email protected]
203-869-8100 | c: 908-763-5836
Rose Tallis
Rose Tallis
[email protected]
212-381-3230 | c: 917-903-7152
John Daniel Tamasi
John Daniel Tamasi
[email protected]
212-588-5653 | c: 917-885-1136
Jeffrey Tanenbaum
Jeffrey Tanenbaum
[email protected]
212-381-3308 | c: 646-234-2226
Rolando Tapanes
Rolando Tapanes
[email protected]
305-666-1800 | c: 305-975-1252
Joseph Taplitzky
Joseph Taplitzky
[email protected]
212-588-5659 | c: 646-642-2243
Cynthia Tarzy
Cynthia Tarzy
[email protected]
212-712-1184 | c: 917-821-4293
PJ Taylor
PJ Taylor
[email protected]
203-966-7800 | c: 203-517-6777
Arcus Team
Arcus Team
[email protected]
212-712-1180 x118
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