Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Rose Tallis

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
[email protected]
o: 212-381-3230
m: 917-903-7152

East Side
445 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022

About Rose

Languages Spoken:      SPANISH, ENGLISH

My interest in, and exposure to, real estate came at an early age thanks to a solid indoctrination by my father, who was a real estate executive. When I was a child I regularly accompanied him on visits to various neighborhoods in the city to look at houses on the market. I learned firsthand how to evaluate properties, from his comments about such aspects as curb appeal, architectural features, size, condition, position on the block, and comparison to other properties. This background was an invaluable asset when I began my career in real estate in the 1980's.

My aesthetic was formed...

My interest in, and exposure to, real estate came at an early age thanks to a solid indoctrination by my father, who was a real estate executive. When I was a child I regularly accompanied him on visits to various neighborhoods in the city to look at houses on the market. I learned firsthand how to evaluate properties, from his comments about such aspects as curb appeal, architectural features, size, condition, position on the block, and comparison to other properties. This background was an invaluable asset when I began my career in real estate in the 1980's.

My aesthetic was formed by an education and work experience in the arts; The School of Visual Arts, Fashion Institute of Technology, study at the Sorbonne in Paris, and a period of time working and studying in Spain, culminating in a position as art director at a Madison Avenue advertising agency. After I married I went back to school, earning a BA in the Humanities from New York University.

When my husband and I purchased our first home, which was in need of repair, I decided to be my own contractor. We have since bought and sold several houses and apartments, and I gained considerable knowledge along the way. For a few years in the early 1990's I formed my own company, acting as principal, and successfully completed many residential transactions.

Each experience with buyers is an exciting adventure, from the first time buyer looking for a "starter" apartment to a high-end client. To me the search is a new chapter and an exciting beginning in someone's life. I offer each client in-depth knowledge and place an emphasis on privatizing their needs. An added dimension comes from my 9 years of experience as a member of the Board of Directors of my coop. This enables me to guide them in putting together an effective, meticulous Board package, a process that can be daunting and frustrating to the uninitiated. I also prepare clients for their Board interview and guide them to closing. It gives me pride and pleasure, also, to service the exclusive properties which sellers entrust to me. I help them to market their properties in the most advantageous way so that they can realize the best possible price. After all these years I still have an abiding passion for real estate, a passion instilled in me by my father, who taught me well.

Rose Tallis

Mi interés y exposición a los bienes raíces surgió a una edad temprana gracias al adoctrinamiento de mi padre, quien fue un ejecutivo de bienes raíces. Cuando era niña, lo acompañaba con regularidad en sus visitas a varios vecindarios en la ciudad para ver las casas disponibles. Aprendí de primera mano cómo evaluar las propiedades, a partir de sus comentarios sobre aspectos como atractivo exterior, características arquitectónicas, tamaño, condición, posición en la manzana y comparación con otras propiedades. Estos antecedentes resultaron ser un recurso invaluable cuando empecé mi carrera en bienes raíces en los años ochenta.

Mi sentido estético se formó mediante educación y experiencia de trabajo en las artes; La Escuela de Artes Visuales, el Instituto de Tecnología de la Moda, estudios en la Sorbona de París y un periodo de trabajo en España, culminando en un puesto como Directora de Arte en una agencia de publicidad en la Avenida Madison. Después de casarme, volví a la escuela donde obtuve una licenciatura en Humanidades de la Universidad de Nueva York.

Cuando mi esposo y yo compramos nuestra primera casa, la cual necesitaba reparaciones, decidí convertirme en mi propio contratista. Desde entonces hemos comprado y vendido varias casas y departamentos y obtuve conocimientos considerables en todo ese tiempo. Durante algunos años a principios de los noventa formé mi propia compañía, actuando como Director General y completé con éxito muchas transacciones residenciales.

Cada experiencia con compradores es una aventura emocionante, desde el comprador que por primera vez ve un departamento "para empezar" hasta un cliente de alto nivel. Para mí, la búsqueda es un nuevo capítulo y un inicio emocionante en la vida de una persona. Ofrezco a cada cliente un conocimiento profundo y hago énfasis en privatizar sus necesidades. Mis nueve años de experiencia como miembro del Consejo de Directores de mi cooperativa aportan una mayor dimensión. Esto me permite guiarlos al integrar un paquete de información efectivo y meticuloso, un proceso que puede ser desalentador y frustrante para los no iniciados. También preparo a los clientes para su entrevista y los guío en el cierre de la transacción. Me enorgullece también dar servicio a las propiedades exclusivas que los vendedores me encomiendan. Les ayudo a comercializar sus propiedades de la manera más ventajosa para que puedan obtener el mejor precio posible. Después de todos estos años, aún cuento con una pasión constante por los bienes raíces, una pasión inspirada por mi padre, quien me enseñó bien.

Press Mentions

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:


Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

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