de Lange
Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Nathalie de Lange

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
[email protected]
o: 718-878-1805
m: 718-431-3533

Long Island City
47-12 Vernon Blvd
Long Island City, NY 11101
40 South Pointe Drive, Suite 110
Miami Beach, FL 33139


About Nathalie

Languages Spoken:      DUTCH, FRENCH, ENGLISH

As a native New Yorker of French descent, Nathalie de Lange is a proud citizen of New York City’s great melting pot!

Nathalie is a natural explorer, and following a childhood in Manhattan and Queens, she made her home in many neighborhoods throughout the city, Connecticut, and the Netherlands. Nathalie’s deep knowledge and understanding of the city and its varied neighborhoods is a tremendous asset to her customers and clients. She understands that finding a home in this big city can be a daunting challenge. But whether you’re an explorer seeking an exciting new neighborhood or a nester looking to...

As a native New Yorker of French descent, Nathalie de Lange is a proud citizen of New York City’s great melting pot!

Nathalie is a natural explorer, and following a childhood in Manhattan and Queens, she made her home in many neighborhoods throughout the city, Connecticut, and the Netherlands. Nathalie’s deep knowledge and understanding of the city and its varied neighborhoods is a tremendous asset to her customers and clients. She understands that finding a home in this big city can be a daunting challenge. But whether you’re an explorer seeking an exciting new neighborhood or a nester looking to settle comfortably into a place to call your own for the long haul, it’s great to have Nathalie on your side.

Nathalie puts her clients and customers first. Through the hustle and bustle of New York City, she takes the time and care to understand the goals and ideas of her clients. Whether they are looking to buy or sell their home or investment property, or land the perfect location for a new business, Nathalie’s service to her customers and clients saves them time and minimizes the stress of buying or selling. Friends and clients alike describe Nathalie as trustworthy, professional, and thoroughly organized, and they’re right!

An NYU graduate with a background in advertising, film, television, and voice-over casting, Nathalie enjoys kayaking, dining out in the city’s many new restaurants, and just hanging around her thriving Queens neighborhood and making new friends with her Shih Tzu, Mizuki.

Native New Yorker d’origine francaise, agent de Halstead, Nathalie de Lange est une fiere citoyenne de “New York City’s Great Melting Pot” (la diversity New Yorkaise)!

Nathalie est d’un naturel curieux! Apres une enfance passee entre Manhattan et Queens, elle s’est installee au quatre coins de la ville suivi du Connecticut, et en outre, aux Pays Bas!

Les profondes connaissances et l‘enthousiasme de Nathalie concernant la ville et ses banlieus atypiques sont un atout considerable pour ses clients. Elle evalue parfaitement le challenge encouru pour decouvrir une propriete au sein de cette grande ville. Si vous etes avives d’excitation pour explorer un nouveau quartier, ou determine de vous installer dans votre propriete, il est necessaire to considere Nathalie votre partenair. Les clients sont la priorite de Nathalie. Malgre l’agitation de la ville, Nathalie prends le soin d’evaluer les besoins et les objectifs de ses clients. Qu’ils souhaitent acheter, vendre leur propriete, investir ou etablir une entreprise les prestations de Nathalie evitent une perte de temps et reduisent l’anxiete causee par l’achat ou la vente d’une propriete.

Amis et clients decrivent Nathalie digne de confiance, tres professionnelle, organisee ets ils ont raison!

Diplomee de NYU, agent publicist, cinematographie, TV et la voie sur Casting. Nathalie pratique le Kayack, apprecie ses soirees entre amis a la decouverte de nouveaux restaurant et trainer dans son quartier florissant avec son Shih Tzu “Mizuki” la cle pour de nouvelle rencontres.

Awards & Recognition

2023 BHS NYC Biggest Townhouse Deal of the Year in Queens

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:


Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

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