Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Maria Aloupis

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
[email protected]
o: 212-381-2273
m: 908-578-9101

West Side / Broadway
1934 Broadway
New York, NY 10023
635 Valley Road
Montclair, NJ 07043


About Maria

Languages Spoken:      SPANISH, ENGLISH

Maria Aloupis knew the moment she closed on her NYC condo that she was destined to become a real estate agent in in the city. Her dedication to the craft and comprehensive real estate knowledge—gleaned from experience investing in, remodeling, and selling primary and investment properties of her own—are integral parts of her success.

Prior to embarking on a real estate career, Maria started her own invitation company from home while raising her children. The experience made her adept at customer service and understanding the unique needs of others. Her mission is always to ensure her clients...

Maria Aloupis knew the moment she closed on her NYC condo that she was destined to become a real estate agent in in the city. Her dedication to the craft and comprehensive real estate knowledge—gleaned from experience investing in, remodeling, and selling primary and investment properties of her own—are integral parts of her success.

Prior to embarking on a real estate career, Maria started her own invitation company from home while raising her children. The experience made her adept at customer service and understanding the unique needs of others. Her mission is always to ensure her clients are happy and satisfied, particularly as they make some of the most significant decisions of their lives.

Meticulous, organized, and attentive, Maria carefully guides her clients through each step of the transaction process, all while maintaining a friendly and positive nature. She is fluent in Spanish, allowing her to work with buyers and sellers from around the world.

Maria is a dog lover who enjoys traveling, fashion and shopping. She is also a “foodie” and will never turn down a delicious meal in NYC. A committed philanthropist, Maria is an active volunteer with CASA, an association that advocates for abused and neglected children. When she is not working or volunteering, Maria enjoys exercising with her Peloton and Tonal. She is also an avid tennis player.

En el momento que Maria Aloupis adquirió su propiedad en NYC se dio cuenta que estaba destinada a incursionar como una Agente de Bienes y Raíces en la grad ciudad de NYC. Su extenso conocimiento y dedicación al arte de los Bienes y Raíces proviene de su experiencia en inversiones y remodelaciones de sus propiedades personales, lo cual le ha permitido tener mucho éxito en ésta área.

Antes de empezar su carrera como Agente de Bienes y Raíces, Maria abrió su compañía de Invitaciones, mientras criaba a sus hijos. Esto le ayudó a dar un servicio al cliente excepcional y a comprender las necesidades únicas y particulares de cada cliente. Su misión es asegurarse siempre que sus clientes estén satisfechos, en especial con decisiones tan importantes como la compra de una propiedad.

Maria guía con mucho cuidado a sus clientes en el proceso de compra y venta; ella es muy organizada y le presta mucha atención a los detalles. Su trato es amigable y está llena de positivismo. Maria habla Español lo cual le permite trabajar con compradores y vendedores internacionales.

Maria es una amante de los perros, le encanta viajar a lugares nuevos, la moda de alta costura y las compras. También es una amante de la buena comida y jamás rechazaría una deliciosa comida en NYC. Como filántropa comprometida, Maria es voluntaria en CASA, asociación que brinda ayuda a niños abandonados y/o abusados. También disfruta ejercitándose en su Tonal, Peloton y practicando tennis.

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:


Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

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