Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Ghislaine Absy

NYRS, CNE, Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
[email protected]
o: 212-906-9243
m: 646-220-7546

East Side
445 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022

About Ghislaine

Languages Spoken:      FRENCH, ENGLISH

As a top real estate professional at Brown Harris Stevens for over 20 years, Ghislaine Absy has helped buyers and sellers identify, evaluate, and transact extraordinary residential and investment properties at the most desired addresses throughout New York. She has an outstanding track record in delivering results for clients who require the highest level of discretion, service, and personal attention. Her clients appreciate her honesty, straightforward manner, and refinement.

From serving a diverse clientele ranging from first time to the most sophisticated local and international buyers, sellers and investors, Ghislaine has developed in-depth, comprehensive customer service experience that each client can...

As a top real estate professional at Brown Harris Stevens for over 20 years, Ghislaine Absy has helped buyers and sellers identify, evaluate, and transact extraordinary residential and investment properties at the most desired addresses throughout New York. She has an outstanding track record in delivering results for clients who require the highest level of discretion, service, and personal attention. Her clients appreciate her honesty, straightforward manner, and refinement.

From serving a diverse clientele ranging from first time to the most sophisticated local and international buyers, sellers and investors, Ghislaine has developed in-depth, comprehensive customer service experience that each client can count on in the most challenging real estate market in the world. She actively expands her international reach, travelling frequently to diverse international destinations.

When serving clients, she brings detailed knowledge of the market, a global network of potential buyers, and a proven, nuanced negotiating style that consistently helps clients achieve their goals.

Together with Julie Cummings Siff, Ms. Absy has negotiated the purchase and sale of unique and beautiful residences throughout New York from Riverside Drive to the East River, as well as Downtown Manhattan lofts and townhouses including the sale of a grand townhouse at 12 East 77th Street featured in The Wall Street Journal and for which she received the 2015 Brown Harris Stevens award for Biggest Townhouse Deal of the Year. A few of her other noteworthy transactions include sales at 41 East 62nd Street, 12 MacDougal Alley, Sherry Netherland, 1 Central Park West, 907 Fifth Avenue, Parc V, 480 Park Avenue, 515 Park Avenue, and 480 Park Avenue.

She grew up between New York City and Beirut, Lebanon, and lived in Paris, France. She graduated from the American Community School at Beirut and has a Bachelor’s in Communications from the University of South Florida.

Ghislaine is an active member of the Real Estate Board of New York and is a certified NYRS® (New York Residential Specialist) and a CNE (Certified Negotiation Expert).

Ghislaine Absy est parmi les courtières les plus respectées de Brown Harris Stevens, la filiale exclusive de Christie’s International Real Estate. Depuis plus de 20 ans , elle a permis aux acheteurs et aux vendeurs d'identifier, d'évaluer et de traiter des objets de prestige , aux adresses les plus recherchées , que ce soit à des fins résidentielles ou d’investissement. Elle a un palmarès de tout premier plan du au fait de sa grande discrétion, son attention rigoureuse aux détails, et un service personnalisé sans faute. Ses clients apprécient son honnêteté, son raffinement, sa façon directe d’aborder tous les problèmes et de les résoudre de manière efficace.

Par sa grand e expérience, elle sait répondre aux besoins d’une clientèle diversifiée, locale ou internationale, conseillant de manière judicieuse aussi bien les acheteurs n’ayant aucune expérience des États-Unis, que les professionnels les plus avisés. Elle développe activement sa clientèle internationale, voyageant fréquemment, en particulier en Europe .

Elle apporte une connaissance approfondie du marché, un réseau global d'acheteurs potentiels, et un style de négociation nuancé et éprouvé, qui régulièrement permet à ses clients d’ atteindre leurs objectifs.

En collaboration avec Julie Cummings Siff, Ms. Absy a négocié l'achat et la vente de résidences prestigieuses, de Riverside Drive à l'East River, aux lofts à Downtown Manhattan . Elle a été, entre autre, l’instigatrice de la vente d’un des plus grand hôtel particulier de Manhattan en 2015, soit la vente du 2 East 77th street, qui fit l’objet d’un article dans le Wall Street Journal. Elle a ainsi reçu le prix 2015 de Brown Harris Stevens pour Biggest Townhouse Deal of the Year. Quelques-unes de ses autres transactions importantes comprennent les ventes de 41 East 62nd Street, 12 MacDougal Alley, Sherry Netherland, 1 Central Park West, 907 Fifth Avenue, Parc V, 480 Park Avenue, 515 Park Avenue, et 480 Park Avenue.

Elle a grandi entre New York et Beyrouth, au Liban, et a vécu à Paris. Elle est diplômée de l'American Community School à Beyrouth et possède un baccalauréat en communication de l'Université de Floride du Sud.

Ghislaine est un membre actif de la Chambre immobilière de New York et est un NYRS® certifié (New York Spécialiste résidentiel) et un CNE (Négociation Certified Expert).

Awards & Recognition

Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE)

Among less than 1/4 of 1% of NYC brokers certified by REBNY as a New York Residential Specialist (NYRS)

2015 BHS Biggest Townhouse Deal of the Year – Manhattan

Wall Street Journal/REAL Trends Ranked 2016 USA #4 by Team Highest Average Sales Price

Press Mentions

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:

Cooperatives and Condominiums

Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

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