Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Barbara Weinstein

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
[email protected]
o: 212-381-2208

West Side / Broadway
1934 Broadway
New York, NY 10023

About Barbara


Barbara Weinstein is an architect by training and profession. In 1991 she purchased a co-op apartment on the Upper West Side through Brown Harris Stevens (then Halstead). This experience turned out to be so enjoyable, interesting, and exciting for her, that she decided to combine her private practice as an architect with residential real estate sales and rentals. A few years later, after training as a salesperson and gaining significant experience in residential sales as well as rentals, while continuing work on a variety of architectural projects, she joined the firm.

Ms. Weinstein brings to her real estate business a combined...

Barbara Weinstein is an architect by training and profession. In 1991 she purchased a co-op apartment on the Upper West Side through Brown Harris Stevens (then Halstead). This experience turned out to be so enjoyable, interesting, and exciting for her, that she decided to combine her private practice as an architect with residential real estate sales and rentals. A few years later, after training as a salesperson and gaining significant experience in residential sales as well as rentals, while continuing work on a variety of architectural projects, she joined the firm.

Ms. Weinstein brings to her real estate business a combined strength in sales and architectural design. Her experience with all aspects of residential design and renovations allows her to appreciate the "hidden" potential of an apartment. Her clients profit from her familiarity with construction procedures and designs of layouts for submission to co-op boards. Accustomed to listening carefully to her clients and customers, she knows how to match their needs with offerings in the market. This allows her to identify and present to her customers the apartments and opportunities most suitable to their requirements.

Ms. Weinstein lives on West 86th Street with her scientist husband. She has many active interests, among them antiques, art, and Italian literature. She is well traveled and fluent in several foreign languages, all of which enhance her outstanding communication skills.

ברברה ויינשטיין

ברברה ויינשטיין היא אדריכלית במקצועה. לפני שנים מספר היא רכשה דירת קו-אופ בשכונת אפר איסט אנד בניו יורק באמצעות חברת האלסטד (The Halstead Property Company). חוויה זו היתה כה מעניינת, מרגשת ומהנה עבורה שהיא החליטה לשלב את פעילותה המקצועית כאדריכלית עם פעילות בתחום המכירה וההשכרה של נדל"ן למגורים. לאחר הכשרה בתחום המכירות ורכישת ניסיון משמעותי במכירת נכסים למגורים ולהשכרה תוך עבודה עם מספר פרוייקטים אדריכליים, היא הצטרפה לחברת האלסטד.

ברברה ויינשטייןמביאה לעסקי הנדל"ן שלה עוצמה משולבת של מכירות ועיצוב אדריכלי. נסיונה המקיף את כל האספקטים של עיצוב למגורים ושיפוצים מאפשר לה לזהות את הפוטנציאל הגלום בכל דירה. לקוחותיה נהנים מהיכרותה עם נוהלי בנייה ועיצוב דירות בעת הגשת הצעות לוועדים של בנייני הקו-אופ. היא רגילה להקשיב קשב עמוק ללקוחותיה ויודעת כיצד להתאים את צורכיהם עם הדירות המוצעות בשוק. הדבר מאפשר לה להעמיד לרשות לקוחותיה את הדירות וההזדמנויות המתאימות ביותר לצורכיהם.

ברברה ויינשטייןמתגוררת ברחוב 86 מערב עם בעלה המדען. תחביביה ותחומי העניין שלה רבים, וביניהם עתיקות, אמנות וספרות איטלקית. היא ביקרה במקומות רבים ומדברת במספר שפות, המעמיקות את כישורי התקשרות יוצאי-הדופן שלה.

Barbara Weinstein

Barbara Weinstein è un architetto per formazione e professione. Numerosi anni fa, grazie alla mediazione della Halstead Property Company, essa acquistò un appartamento in una coproprietà nell’Upper West Side. Questa esperienza si rivelò per lei talmente piacevole, interessante ed eccitante, che essa decise di combinare la sua professione liberale di architetto con l’attività di vendita e locazione di immobili residenziali. Dopo un periodo di formazione come agente di vendita in vista di ottenere una significativa esperienza nel campo delle vendite e delle locazioni nel settore residenziale, pur continuando a lavorare in una varietà di progetti architettonici, essa si unì all’equipe della Halstead Property Company.

La signora Weinstein apporta all’attività immobiliare una capacità combinata di abilità nelle vendite e nella progettazione architettonica. La sua esperienza in tutti gli aspetti della progettazione e del rinnovamento di ambienti residenziali le consente di apprezzare il potenziale “celato” in qualsiasi appartamento. I suoi clienti traggono profitto dalla sua conoscenza approfondita delle procedure di costruzione e della progettazione di piante da sottoporre all’approvazione del Consiglio direttivo della co-proprietà. Abituata ad ascoltare attentamente le opinioni dei suoi clienti, essa conosce bene come trovare tra le offerte esistenti sul mercato, la soluzione più adatta alle necessità di questi ultimi. Questa capacità le consente di identificare e proporre ai suoi clienti gli appartamenti e le comunità più adatti alle loro esigenze.

La signora Weinstein abita alla West 86th Street con il suo marito scienziato. Essa coltiva numerosi interessi attivi, tra i quali l’antiquariato, l’arte e la letteratura italiana. Ha viaggiato molto e conosce perfettamente numerose lingue straniere che le consentono di migliorare le sue già eccellenti capacità comunicative.

Press Mentions

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:


Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

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