Rep. Ritchie Torres and Bess Freedman Discuss Mental Health, Politics, and More

2 Min Read

As part of Fordham Real Estate Institute’s ongoing series “Titan Talks," BHS CEO Bess Freedman sat down with U.S. Representative Ritchie Torres to discuss a wide range of topics, from socio-political and economic issues facing New York City, to the stigma surrounding mental health care in the United States.

At the start of the interview, Torres shared a little bit about his background, what inspired his career in politics, and the work that he does as a U.S. representative for New York’s 15th congressional district. Most notably, Torres is making history in the Bronx, as its first LGBTQ representative.

Something that Torres is particularly passionate about is the issue of inadequate mental health care in the United States, tying in his own life experiences, and making a strong connection between mental health and social media, as its negative effects have become increasingly prevalent among younger generations.

Other topics mentioned in the interview include a deep discussion on the affordable housing crisis and homelessness in New York City, as well as the hot topic of bail reform. Despite these issues plaguing the nation, Torres provides a key piece of advice for real estate professionals and young students in the audience:

“Gratitude has the power to transform the world as we experience it, our lives as we experience it… and by gratitude I do not mean accepting the status quo or settling for the bare minimum, but seeing more clearly the blessings in our lives.” – Rep. Ritchie Torres

Watch the exciting interview in full here. To learn more about Bess Freedman and her background, click here.

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