Bess Freedman Pens Op-Ed for New York Daily News Against Antisemitism

1 Min Read

In her latest opinion piece for The New York Daily News, Brown Harris Stevens CEO Bess Freedman calls for people to stand up against antisemitism and discrimination.

“As a Jewish woman, antisemitism is something I’ve witnessed and dealt with my entire life,” said Freedman. “Just this week, someone left a hateful comment on my Instagram calling me a derogatory term. While hurtful, this type of behavior is not new to me, but the fact that this person felt so empowered to publicly showcase their anti-Jewish sentiment is frightening.”

Freedman went on to explain that as tensions rise in the Middle East, antisemitic rhetoric and acts are growing in scale across American universities and social media. However,  many are noticeably  staying silent at a time when many are feeling threatened and unsafe.

“It is up to all of us to recognize and call out this type of behavior. We must challenge hateful acts when we see them. We must step up when any group is being targeted simply because of their religion, their skin color, their sexual orientation, or their gender identity,” wrote Freedman. 

Brown Harris Stevens stands with our CEO in denouncing antisemitism and discrimination in all its forms. You can read more of Bess’ opinion piece here.

Click here to learn more about Bess Freedman.

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